US Virgin Islands
Feb 29, 2024
Day Sail to St. Thomas
Easterly trade winds required a day of tacking for us to reach St Thomas, USVI. It was a long day with 12 - 20kt winds and 3-4’ waves.
Vieques, Puerto Rico to St. Thomas, USVI 35nm, 1 day.
St. Thomas, USVI
The Virgin Islands were orginally settled around 1500 BC by the Ciboney people. They were later replaced by the Arawaks. The Caribs, then conquered the island, massacred the men and enslaved the women. Columbus sighted the island in 1493 and named it Santa Ursula y las Once Mil Virgenes after Ursula and the 11,000 Virgins. It was later shortened to The Virgins. The Dutch West India Company established a post on Saint Thomas in 1657. Later it sold the islands to the Danish West India Company. The first slave ships arrived in 1673 and St. Thomas became a slave market. For more information Saint Thomas, U.S. Virgin Islands - Wikipedia
Catching up with friends
Christmas Cove for “Pizza Pi VI”
Looking for a few quiet R&R days, we opted to leave St. Thomas for Christmas Cove. Friends recommended Christmas Cove for its beauty but more importantly its floating “food truck” with the best pizza ever. Our first day over we phoned in our order, got into the dingy and went to pick it up (delivery was an option). After a few bites, we agreed. Our pizza was the best since leaving Jersey City.
Pizza Pi VI offers floating tables for El Fresco dining.
Best Pizza Food Boat!
Maho Bay, St John, USVI - Then and Now
View from Maho Bay Eco Lodge tent.
32 years ago Ken looked out to the bay and dreamed of being on a sailboat.
Our tent had 112 steps to the bathrooms with cold showers.
Maho Bay Eco Lodge
Our first visit to Maho Bay was in 1993. We had a magical stay in rustic Maho Bay Eco Lodge. It was our intent to return as the memory grew to mythical proportions of a true rainforest camping adventure. Maho Bay Camps: Eco-Campground on St John, USVI (
Sadly, the campground’s lease expired, and the lodge closed years ago. We did have an enjoyable stay anchored out in Maho Bay and hiking through the trails of the old campground.
View from Bistari, anchored in Maho Bay.
Snorkeling fun with Josh and Tamara of “Honu Time”, our crew for Bistari’s Atlantic passage.
Maho Bay 2024